Managing Your Cellular Health: What Does It Mean?

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Managing your cellular health is vital If you’re serious about optimizing your health. Read on to learn more.

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In this article:

  1. What Is Cellular Health?
  2. Why Is It Important to Manage Your Cellular Health?
  3. When Should You Start Thinking About Your Cellular Health?
  4. How Can You Manage Your Cellular Health?
  5. Who Can Help You Manage Your Cellular Health?

Everything You Need to Know About Cellular Health

What Is Cellular Health?

Cheerful mature woman in casual looking away indoor | What Is Cellular Health? | Managing Your Cellular Health: What Does It Mean?

Cellular health refers to how well your cells are functioning. Cells functioning at optimal levels can do three things:

  • Generate energy. The cell’s mitochondria are the cell’s main energy-generating structure. 
  • Transport molecules. This allows different cells to focus on specialized functions. 
  • Reproduce other cells. This allows the body to replenish dying or damaged cells. 

Scientists are interested in the different factors that contribute to cellular health. Many of them are zoning into Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)

What is NAD+? It’s a coenzyme that all living cells need. It plays an essential role in cellular processes that contribute to a variety of metabolic functions. 

Many researchers are interested in NAD+ because cells need the energy to perform their various functions. When they don’t meet their energy requirements, cellular health can suffer.

Why Is It Important to Manage Your Cellular Health?

It’s natural for all cells to age. When cells age their structure or function can begin to change. 

Cells stop functioning as well, or they can even begin functioning abnormally. It’s no coincidence that age is a major risk factor for diseases

If you accumulate enough of these malfunctioning cells, it may have a negative impact on your overall health. On top of that, studies show that NAD+ depletion specifically is linked to a variety of age-related diseases such as:

  • Certain types of cancer
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Cardiovascular disease 
  • Neurodegenerative diseases

Aging is inevitable, but this becomes more problematic when lifestyle factors speed up the aging process. There are definitely things you can do to help manage your cellular health.

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When Should You Start Thinking About Your Cellular Health?

Young man working on a laptop at home | When Should You Start Thinking About Your Cellular Health? |

When it comes to NAD+ levels, studies show that they do decline as you age. Many people between 40 and 60 years old will have insufficient levels of NAD+.

But it’s important to think of cellular health even before you enter that period of decline. Think of your lifestyle and habits as an investment in your health. 

You may not see drastic effects in the present, but you’ll see it in the long run. Here are a few lifestyle factors that can have a negative impact on cell function:

So when it comes to managing your cellular health, it’s best to start earlier than later.

How Can You Manage Your Cellular Health?

There are changes you can make in your day-to-day to improve or optimize your cellular health. Here are some things you can start with:

  • Eating a balanced – Your cells get the energy they need from your diet. Make sure you’re taking in all the good stuff. 
  • Taking cellular health supplements. If you’re not sure you’re getting everything you need from your diet, you can consider taking a cellular health supplement. There are even supplements that help improve NAD+ levels.
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day. Your body needs water for a variety of cellular functions. Your water requirements can vary depending on your climate, age, and level of activity. 
  • Improve sleep quality. Adults should be getting 7-9 hours of sleep every day. Sleep plays a vital role in regulating your body’s energy stores, so make sure you’re getting enough quality sleep.

Apart from these lifestyle interventions, it’s also helpful to know the status of your cellular health. One way to do this is to get a biological age test

A biological age test is distinct from your run-of-the-mill genetic tests. Most genetic tests will characterize your DNA sequence that makes up your genome, while biological age tests will focus on your epigenomes. 

This is important because there’s not much you can do about your genome, but there are lifestyle changes you can make that can have a positive impact on your epigenomes. Your epigenomes help regulate DNA activity and can change the way your DNA regulates proteins and reads messages. A biological age test can tell you how well your cells are functioning and how much they have changed.

Who Can Help You Manage Your Cellular Health?

If you’re interested in learning more about your cellular health and what you can do to improve it, it’s best to talk to a doctor specializing in epigenetics. 

What is epigenetics? It’s an area of specialization where scientists focus on gene expression changes rather than changes in the genetic code.

Visit the TruDiagnostic website to connect with a doctor specializing in epigenetics and learn more about their applications in epigenetics. Many anti-aging health trends will focus on superficial aspects like skincare creams or serums. If you’re serious about preventing premature aging, then it’s essential to manage your cellular health as well.


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