We’ve all heard of DNA tests, and they have their place, but they can only show you what’s in your genes. They can’t tell you whether those genes will ever choose to express, and that’s where an epigenetic blood test comes in.
Where a DNA test measures something that is fixed, an epigenetic test measures something fluid; something you can do something about. That’s why the epigenetic test could just save your life.
RELATED: What Is Biological Age? | Why It Matters And How To Reverse It
In this article:
- It Gives You Accurate Information
- It Gives You Actionable Information
- It Tells You How Old You Really Are
- How to Save Your Life with a Test
3 Ways the Epigenetic Blood Test Could Save Your Life
1. It Gives You Accurate Information
Epigenetics measures DNA expression, which is the process whereby genes are turned on and off. The thing is: that process is happening all the time.
Every minute since you were conceived, certain genes have been turning on while others turned off. Every process in your body is controlled by the messages in your genetic code.
The Limits of Genetic Tests
DNA tests tell you what’s in the code, but they aren’t able to tell you which parts of the code are active or inactive or what any gene will do. You might find that you have a gene that puts you at risk for a certain disease, for example, but that’s all you can find out: a very generalized risk.
Your epigenetic code influences which of the genes switch on or off easily and which rarely, if ever, activate.
The Information of Epigenetic Tests
Imagine yourself a World War II spy who has just stumbled on a German military bunker filled with detailed battle plans showing 10 different scenarios for taking the same city. It may all be accurate in the sense that all the instructions are real, but the only truly accurate plan is the one the German Army will use.
Epigenetic testing can save your life by giving you accurate information about which plan the enemy—disease and disorder—is using.
2. It Gives You Actionable Information
The patterns of gene expression in your body show your health at the molecular level. And, because the way we live affects gene expression, we can do something about the information we learn from an epigenetic blood test.
Contrast this with the lack of actionable information we get with a DNA test. Take breast cancer as an example.
It’s well known that women with a mutation in their BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. In fact, the lifetime risk is about 72%. But why isn’t it 100%?
Because the gene itself doesn’t cause cancer. The gene itself is only dangerous if it expresses, and that’s the kind of information epigenetic testing can give you.
Lifestyle choices, diet and exercise habits, and exposure to toxins in the world around us all affect gene expression.
With epigenetic testing, you can actually see how much these things are affecting you and take control to stop them. Once you’ve tested where you are now, a test in the future can give you concrete feedback about how well your life changes are affecting your epigenetic code.
Epigenetic testing can save your life by giving you precise, actionable measures of your health on the molecular level so you can do something about it.
RELATED: 5 Reasons To Get Epigenetic Testing
3. It Tells You How Old You Really Are
When we’re young, we engage in all kinds of behaviors that older people don’t.
Younger people are generally willing to take more risks. They can get drunk three nights a week and still manage to get to work the next morning and feel pretty good by afternoon, where someone in middle age might get drunk once a year on their birthday and spend the whole next week feeling miserable.
Many times, younger people are quite aware that certain behaviors are bad for them but figure they’ll shape up when they get a bit older, and it “matters more.” Unfortunately, bad habits can get engrained and persist.
Waking Up Old
If those same young people woke up tomorrow and were suddenly 45 instead of 25, they might start living quite differently. So what does this have to do with epigenetics?
Our chronological age is just a number, and it doesn’t tell us how well our body is aging. We know that broadly speaking, humans are healthier in their 20s than their 40s, but that’s not always necessarily the case at the individual level, and the aging process clearly varies from person to person.
What you’re seeing is epigenetics at work.
Epigenetics can tell you your actual biological age, not your chronological one, and biological age can vary even between identical twins as they go about life. How they live and what they’re exposed to will cause one to age faster and the other slower.
For example, becoming obese makes the cells in the liver age more quickly. Meanwhile, healthy eating, low stress, and regular exercise can slow the process down.
Wake Up to Your True Age
When you know your true age, it’s like waking up one morning 45 instead of 25 (or 25 instead of 45!). Either you know you’re doing life right and the lifestyle choices you’re making are the right ones, or you realize you don’t have as much time left as you thought.
Epigenetic testing can save your life by revealing your true age, so you’re motivated to bring it down.
How to Save Your Life with a Test
It doesn’t take much to learn your true biological age and get actionable, accurate information about how your lifestyle and choices are affecting you. It just takes a simple blood test.
With that information, you’re ready to take proactive steps to save your life by engaging in behavior that influences your gene expression in a positive way. These include:
- Exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
- Cut out processed foods, sugar, and refined grains from your diet.
- Sleep the full eight hours nightly.
- Practice mindfulness and find techniques to de-stress.
- Stop smoking, drink lightly, and avoid environmental toxins.
- Drink plenty of water and minimize caffeine and alcohol, which dry you out.
If you’re ready to turn back the biological clock, the time is now to get your epigenetic blood test. Visit TruDiagnostic today to get your TruAge™ test. It might just save your life.
Are you willing to try epigenetic blood testing? Also, what steps are you taking to stay young and healthy? Share them with us in the comments section below.
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